Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bulls eye

I'm not a huge Target shopper. But when I heard they were building one on the site of the old Charlottetown Cinemas I thought, "Sure would be nice to have a movie theater there." And then I thought, "But a Target and Home Depot won't be bad" -- especially since we're supposed to get up to eight screens at the Elizabeth Avenue redevelopment project. I resent the heck out of having to drive out to the suburbs for shopping and entertainment. I'm glad our fair city is getting the density needed to bring these businesses back into town.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you. I'm equally happy not to drive to South Charlotte or the University for Target.

They're having a premier party for the Metropolitan (the housing end of the project) May 17...Check it out...

John McBride said...

Thanks, I will.