Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Pumpkin wall returns

The Elizabeth Pumpkin Wall returns to 537 Lamar Ave. this year, site of the original wall in 2004. (The above photo is from two years ago, on Clement.) Carving starts Oct. 24 and the official lighting is Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. The project is put on by the Woodpeckers, a group of mostly Elizabethans who like to work with wood. And pumpkins. My guess is that, like past years, there will be a political component to the wall. In the past that has rubbed some people the wrong way. The wall is on private property, and the ECA has nothing to do with it. All are welcome to attend.


Anonymous said...

John - if you don't mind me asking, could you elaborate about the political aspect of it? This is my first fall in Elizabeth, so I haven't been around to check it out before, although I do plan to make a visit next week to see for myself.

Anonymous said...

Liberal elite pumpkin carvers!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I think a few years ago it spelled out "Kerry" or something like that.

This year i THINK it's going to be lit by Harry Taylor - the gentleman who stood up to Bush in 2006 at CPCC and is now running for Congress in district 9 against Sure Myrick.

By the way - he needs donations:


Anonymous said...

Can I go to the pumpkin wall and carve a pumpkin with some friends or is all the carving done by the owner of the wall? Thanks!

John McBride said...

Adam: The first anonymous commenter is correct. Strands of lights on the wall spell out a message. It said "Kerry" in 2004, "Truth" in 2006 and "1-20-09" in 2007. If I recall correctly, there was no large lighted message in 2005.

I've heard from some people that they consider the political messages "divisive." More insight on some views can be found in some comments from last year.

2nd anonymous: Everyone is welcome to come and carve. There will be pumpkins and carving tools there, but you are also welcome to bring your own.

Anonymous said...

Im glad to know the ECA is in no way affiliated with the wall.

Too bad, it always has a political theme to it. It could be fun for everyone, but personally Pumpkin Propaganda isnt much fun, especially for the kids.

This year it says OBAMA. Plain and simple.

Wonder what it will say next year?

Anonymous said...

It might not be sponsored by the ECA, but its definitely advertised on the website. (very very cool)

Anonymous said...

Well it's perfectly fine for the republicans in Elizabeth to have their own wall to spell out McCain if it bugs them.

Anonymous said...

And, while not holiday related, just up Pecan before the overpass there is a painted Mcain Palin Nobama sign. So there is something for everyone