Thursday, May 26, 2005

Rails for Elizabeth?

CATS may buy the rails for our streetcars -- even though construction isn't scheduled to start for another two years. The Charlotte Observer reports CATS wants to be ready when Elizabeth Avenue gets rebuilt. Read the story here.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

New neighbor

If you have to cut down one of Elizabeth's prize trees, at least you can do something clever with it. That's what they did at the Cajun Queen restaurant on East 7th Street. The gator -- named Elizabeth, naturally -- was carved out of the stump with a chainsaw.

The new pavement is here! The new pavement is here!

DSCN0745It's as smooth as glass on East 8th Street. Get out the rollerblades. Other streets are green with envy. Now if only we could have our curbs back...

Friday, May 13, 2005

1 of 38 in April

Deborah Hirsch just moved to Elizabeth when a stranger stuck a gun in her face outside her apartment. Read her account in the Observer.

According to police there were 38 "incidents" in Elizabeth in April, including two armed robberies, two auto thefts, three commercial burlgaries, one residential burglary and one rape. I've lived in Elizabeth for 20 years. My home has been broken into three times. My car has been stolen twice.

What does it say about us that this is normal?

Subcontractor at Hawthorne Rec

ECA president Peter Tart reports on the situation at Hawthorne Rec Center:

"Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation is subcontracting the operation of the Hawthorne Rec Center to a sports club (badminton and table tennis). The current hours of operation are not expected to be reduced but some activities are likely to be relocated to the First Ward Recreation Center while some from other locations will be moved to the Hawthorne Center.

"Lola Massad, branch manager for wellness and recreation center services for the county (704.336.8460) said the changes are due to budget cutbacks. The board expressed disappointment that someone else was going to operate the facility and was assured that the changes likely would not be noticed. According to Massad an alternative is closing the center so this choice might be preferable. The sports club is expected to sign a 9-year contract to operate the facility."

What do you think about this? The rec center just got an update and now it's being turned over to a sports club? Will they put a fence around everything like they did with the baseball field at the other end of Independence Park? Should we just subcontract the entire park out to Dick's Sporting Goods and be done with it?

Thursday, May 05, 2005

What's up with Hawthorne Rec?

Find out Tuesday night at the Elizabeth Community Association's monthly board meeting. Lola Massad of Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation should be there Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 p.m. at the rec center.

Delicious recipes

Maya shared the recipes from the progressive dinner. Find them here. Greek salad, Greek-style potatoes, zucchini, and tomatoes, the grilled chicken recipe I told you about before and a yummy citrus-mint punch. Enjoy.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Progressive dinner

As always, the annual Elizabeth progressive dinner was huge. The food and conversation at our host house, Rick Kreitlow's on East Fifth, was wonderful.

Lynne and Katherine share a laugh at the Kreitlow residence.

If you eat desserts standing up, as most of us did at the desert house on Bay Street (above), the calories don't count.

Did you take photos at the progressive dinner? Email them to me and I'll post them here. Or better yet, join the blog and post them yourself! Email me and I'll tell you how. Like the progressive dinner, it's free and easy -- and completely sugar-free.

Philosopher's stone

The Bayou Kitchen location is too prime to stand vacant long. Charlotte Magazine reports the brothers that started the great Thomas Street Tavern will reopen the BK as Philosopher's Stone. The sign out front says it will open in May. Well it's May. Let's see what kind of alchemy arises at the intersection of Caswell and Seventh.


Also in Charlotte Magazine, guess which 'hood nabbed the Best Of The Best award? Do you even have to ask? Of course we know it's the best. But it's nice to see independent verification.

Home tour and centennial celebration

Make plans now for the annual Elizabeth Community Association Homes Tour Oct. 8-9 and the centennial celebration of Independence Park. The ECA and Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation are planning an arts festival with music and activities to go along with the home tour. Should be a blast. As usual, helping hands -- and houses -- are needed. Contact Terry Lett at 704.377.0052 or email him.

May Day rally

At 2 p.m. today at Independence Park, part of the Bring The Troops Home Now Project. From the flyer: "Bring back May Day -- May Day grew out of the struggle of working people in this country more than a hundred years ago for an 8-hour work day with full day's pay. All over the world, working and poor people march on May Day to send the message that workers are united. Let's bring that unity and fighting spirit back."