Wednesday, May 02, 2012

A letter from the Affordable Housing Group:
To residents of the Elizabeth neighborhood and other concerned citizens,

With a great deal of regret, Supportive Housing Communities (SHC) and The Affordable Housing Group (TAHG) have decided to put on hold the development of the property at 333 Hawthorne Lane as permanent supportive housing.  As we had explained in the community meetings, the funding for development and operation of the proposed facility would come from many different sources.  These different funding sources must be coordinated in terms of amount, timing and conditions placed upon the prospective housing development.  TAHG and SHC have been and are committed to securing enough funds to make this building all that it needs to be for permanent supportive housing -- a credit to the community, the neighborhood and the residents. In addition, we are committed to obtaining sufficient and ongoing operating support to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the building. 

 Recent discussions with anticipated funding sources, taken in total, have given us concern about the amount and conditions for development and operational funding for the proposed supportive housing.   Consequently, our two groups have decided to step back from actively pursuing this development and investigate whether a different financing structure can be devised to create the stable, long-term supportive housing community that we’d envisioned.  This is the reason for the cancellation of the community meeting on last Monday evening.  The planned community meeting scheduled for May 7 has also been cancelled.

TAHG and SHC sincerely hope to restructure this proposed development to allow it to move forward.  If this happens, be assured that the Elizabeth neighborhood will be notified and that we will count on your full involvement. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding this (or anything else, for that matter), please give one or both of us a call at the numbers below.

Paul Woollard         (980)321-4737   
Executive Director
The Affordable Housing Group of North Carolina

 Pam Jefsen             (704) 335-9380, ext. 25
 Executive Director
 Supportive Housing Communities

We are appreciative of that understanding, open mindedness, and support that we have received from the Elizabeth community, including Elizabeth Community Association, Elizabeth Communities of Faith, and the Leadership Team from Elizabeth Traditional Elementary School. I hope that I will be talking with you again soon.

Paul Woollard

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